Senin, 27 Februari 2012

this weird feeling called......

"aku hanya seorang perempuan yang merasa dirinya tidak cukup berani untuk menyapa seseorang yang dikaguminya
aku hanya seorang perempuan pemalu yang terkadang membenci dirinya sendiri karena hal-hal sepele yang telah dilakukannya
aku..... sesungguhnya tidak tahu bagaimana seharusnya aku bersikap
haruskah aku tegar? haruskah aku terus seperti ini? atau haruskah aku mencoba untuk melangkah kedepan dengan kepala menengadah dan hati yang lebih yakin terhadap pilihan yang telah dipilih?"

"I adore you, but this feeling is not love
I like you, but this feeling is not love
I think I just want an older brother figure so much
That's just because... I have this feeling of emptiness
I just want you to give that attention & feeling just like an older brother that loves his little sister
Can't you be my brother instead of my senior, can you?"

Jakarta, 27/02/2012
11:04 PM

Rabu, 22 Februari 2012

what a day.....

so this is it... the day that I don't really care about
I woke up at 7:30, and I have class at 8, and it took 1 hour (literally) to go to campus
so... I was late for 30 mins, wait.. not really 30 minutes late tho haha I'm so cool right? loljk
after I'm done with all my classes for the day, I went to margo city with my 4 other friends
sean, hapis, mita, and dwi to eat and chilling out at jco
and you guys should know... I ate chicken teriyaki ramen with the level of the spiciness = 2
and gosh... thats just so spicy for me /le cries/ I have 7 sariawan in my mouth, whats sariawan in english? sprue? errr I don't really know, but you guys can check it out on google translate if you want to
I hope that spicy meal can heal my sariawan...... amin amin....

wait I'm done with this today. I have no mood to write anymore.... good night!

Minggu, 19 Februari 2012

old unforgettable moment of my new life...

well... hello hello people, whoever reading this post, 안녕하세요 konbanwa!

btw... in which language I should write this post? english or bahasa Indonesia?
okay Bahasa Indonesia. since I'm way too lazy to use english right now

okay jadi gini, sekarang kira-kira jam 10:44 pm (di jam laptop ini)
gw belom tidur karena, kayaknya, masih kuat gitu mantengin laptop
padahal niatnya tadi cuma mau ngerjain tugas database buat 2011 bentar
eh iya ya, btw anyway busway *eh* entah kenapa lagi pengen cerita kenapa sekarang gw bisa ngerjain database ini. well well.. gw emang mau ceritain ini dari awal bikin blog, sesuatu yang ga akan gw pernah lupain, sejarah gimana gw bisa ngerjain database ini, dari akarnya (eh tapi sebenernya ini ga nyambung sih hahahahahahahaha)
anywaaaaay..... beginilah ceritanya......................